I must say after my great runs last weeks, I was hoping if not expecting the success to continue. Well I can tell you there are no two weeks alike and after the sunshine comes the rain, or whatever. There was no rain though, but serious reality check to remind me that this project is not going to be easy.
Sunday morning I headed for the long run, looking forward to see how it goes this time. Instead of going flat along Weser, I decided to head up to the hills instead. Whether it was the additional altitude but after 23 km and 2h10min, I could conclude my body is made to run 18-19 km and anything beyond that hurts. Not just a little bit but seriously to make me consider to stop. And considering that it is just about the half way of the marathon, it feels a bit scary. I know the point of long runs is to get your body used to the purpose, still if the Sunday's experience is going to repeat the next 18 weeks, I will have a challenge to motivate myself to head out of the door.
At the positive side, my morning run routine is going well and I begin to enjoy the early morning runs with fresh air hearing only birds singing (and neighbours rooster) and slowly waking up my muscles. I'm certainly not fast that time of the day, but it feels good. I need to get the tempo a bit higher, but I'm sure it comes. I included also some hill training this week and despite that it is hard, I like it.
So all in all, it wasn't that bad training week. I only need to find a way to lenghten my runs beyond 20k and it will be just fun.