Sunday, January 17, 2016

About motivation

It's been a hard week in many ways. I have been busy with lots stuff both mentally and physically and due to that I was exhausted and did not want to think of training. I realised my motivation went up and down, I wanted to train but at the same time also wanted to just crash on the couch. It was dark and cold outside and I felt like using it as an excuse not to go for a run while at the same time really wanted to crab some fresh air and sweat a bit. And on the top of the mixed feelings, my back was hurting again. Finally I did some easy short runs, played tennis with a colleague and started looking for my motivation to train. It is another 12 weeks to go for Hannover marathon, where I plan to run the half.

We went today for sleighing and I decided to run back home from there. After two hours of snow fun and climbing the hill with the sleigh one would not first think of running. However I sticked to my plan and run the 10k down from the forest to home. It was literally downhill running with 400m descent but it was also the forest route in 10cm of fresh snow. Surely it was not the smartest thing to do with my back pain but it felt like powder snow in skiing, you just enjoy every movement you feel and hear the snow. It was lovely relaxing run in all quietness in the forest, just what I needed to refresh my mind and remind me about the joy of running.

With the great feeling after the whole day outside I decided to start working on my training plan for Hannover. I hope to run faster than year ago, under 1:50 would be great and closer the 1:45 the better. The coming week I will focus on finishing my training plan and just enjoying my training, next week it will get a bit more serious. Looking forward to it!

When the kid goes to the movies, what do you do on Sunday afternoon? Strecthing my back and doing my training plan...

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